Sunday, May 27, 2007

The Seeker

When you work at one place for a significant portion of your life, you inevitably start to wonder if you are even capable of doing anything else. You begin to think of your life in the context of your job, and at some point, you become so "institutionalized" that you forget about whole parts of your personality that are left behind every morning when you head off to work.

When I was sent home early last Tuesday, I immediately started scanning the posts on Craigslist, and found dozens of listings that looked promising. I sent out about a half-dozen resumes, and have already scheduled interviews with two of the places that responded back to my inquiry.

Thankfully, I am on my wife's health insurance now, which gives me the freedom to consider a wide variety of options ranging from part-time work to full-time positions. I'm pretty sure that a resourceful person could make a career out of answering the ads on Craigslist, and who is to say that working six interesting part-time jobs adds up to any less of a career than looking at the same three walls of your cubicle day after day.

Right now, I have the luxury of a couple months of back pay and unused vacation days that will keep the wolf away from my door while I am deciding what to do next. As many of you know, my wife and I decided to get serious about saving money this year, so we have a bit of money put away as well.

I am really enjoying this part of my life so far, and don't have any regrets about the decision I made. I always knew I was more than the person that my job thought I was, and now I am looking forward to finding out just who that person really is, and what he is capable of accomplishing when given half a chance to do so.

I've looked under chairs
I've looked under tables
I've tried to find the key
To fifty million fables

They call me The Seeker
I've been searching low and high
I won't get to get what I'm after
Till the day I die

"The Seeker" was written by Pete Townshend

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

music to a mommies ears